Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Regardless of what the umbrella category is, more serious discussions concern what categories belong in this discipline. Currently, the following sub-topics are included:
Communications (23)
Composition (69)
Criticism (10)
Drama and Theatre (15)
History (17)
Journalism (12)
Linguistics (47)
Literature (148)
Poetry (35)
Rhetoric (17)
Speech (14)

By the way, the number in parentheses indicates the number of materials in each category. Normally, when one of the sub-categories reaches 100, we need to provide further sub-categories.

Well, let's have your recommendations.

Views: 257

Replies to This Discussion

A new question. Since our first sub-categories are Language and Literature, does it make sense to call the discipline English rather than English Language and Literature?
Thus it would be:

I Language
a. Communication and Speech
b. Composition and Rhetoric
c. General
d. Linguistics
II Literature
a. Drama
b. General
c. Poetry
d. Prose Fiction
e. Prose Nonfiction

And it would appear on the homepage as just “English”
Cathy, your divisions looked fair. Is there any need to futher specify the level of education, i.e. middle/high/college?
Actually, Bonnie, this is an old post. Our English group is off and running. We do identify resources that are college/high school/ elementary. At the moment, MERLOT is only reviewing materials that are at the college level. BTW, if your area is English, we are always interested in people that want to help. :-)
Yes, It should be is what the process to proliferation of disciplines out of epistemological researches.
One special category of English might also be of Literary Theory or literary philosophy??


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