Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

In June I attended the ANGEL user conference in Cincinnati and they came up with a great way to share presentation URL's and resources.

1. Use Google Docs- You can upload PowerPoint presentations and supporting materials to Google Docs. Once Published they are public and you can simply share a URL to the presentation. To keep the conference "green", there were very little handouts. Each presenter handed out a very small "business card size" piece of paper that listed the presenter name, title, and URL to the presentation on the web.
I did this for my scheduled presentation schedule for Friday at 4:45. I posted my presentation (PPT file) to google docs and uploaded supporting materials (.doc and pdf files).

2. Post to - If you don't have an account yet-- get one. It's great. We all posted links to URL's we found interesting at the AUC and the presentation URL's were all posted there too. We all made sure we tagged them with AUC08 so if I were to go to my and searched AUC08 (search not your own personal bookmarks and you will see a ton of resources shared at the conference. With that said, I am starting to post information I find useful from this conference with the tag MIC08 and will add my presentation link to the site just as soon as I finish it.

These are two ways to keep handouts and paper to a minimum and we won't all have to worry about writing down or gathering all of those URLs.

Lisa :-)

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Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks! This will be helpul for those who didn't have their lessons and material online.
Those are great suggestions, we have been using Goodle docs for a while and it has been very easy to share ideas and updated documents.

Also, our goal in the office is to "go green" so I will definitely point out the site!


Raquel Rios
These are great suggestions. I have been feeling guilty when a conference "requires" that you bring handouts. I would much rather give a link to a presentation than hand out paper. :-)


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