Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Cathy Swift, Invited Webinar Speaker for the LA Faculty Development Lab.
Hi. My Name is Moustapha, Mous for friends. WELCOME to the LOUISIANA VOICES Group.

This group is created to promote (1) a discussion around Open Education Resources (OER) and the MERLOT Collection of OER, and (2) the creation of a social network around OER and its integration in higher education in Louisiana. This online discussion aims to engage Webinar participants in meaningful pre/post activities and discussions. Please react to the Discussions Questions proposed below by Dr. cathy Swift, our Webinar presenter and myself.

Please join the conversations.


About Cathy Swift:

Dr. Cathy O, Swift is the Director of Academic Partner Services at MERLOT. She received a B.S. in Marketing at Penn State, MBA at Indiana University, and Ph.D. at University of North Texas. She has published over 30 journal articles and numerous proceedings. Until four years ago, she was a Professor of Marketing at Georgia Southern University and received the Outstanding Georgia WebMBA Faculty Award, College of Business Administration Award for Sustained Excellence, College of Business Administration Professor of the Year Award, University Award for Teaching Excellence, and COBA Award for Teaching Excellence. She has worked part time on MERLOT since 1999 as Editor of the Business discipline as well as Manager of the Editorial Boards. She started working full time on the MERLOT project in June 2006. Her research interests are in the areas of online teaching, teaching pedagogy and international business.

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Hi Mous,
Thank you ever so much for the swift reply and the support. Let's keep in touch online and looking for to your Christmas trip.
Thank you Ousseynou. We will discuss off forum.
Our conference this summer is going to be in conjunction with Sloan Consortium and MoodleMoot, so we look forward to learning more about Moodle
Yes, Cathy. I am looking forward to an excellent MIC2010 conference. The past conferences ( were excellent gatherings.
And here is the site to the conference:

And here is the URL of the Proposal Submission:


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