Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Rewired for Digital Technology: Call to Participation

Dear Colleagues,

The Faculty of Education of l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and Compétences/Skills R & D  are pleased to invite you to participate in the “Rewired for Digital Technology” project. The purpose of this research project is to develop and implement engaging online training materials in a game format, to enable adults to enhance their analytical cognitive skills so that they more effectively acquire and deploy the essential digital skills. The training package will include a pre-test, embedded tests, and a post-test to assess increases in cognitive analytical skills that can be attributed to training. A web infrastructure and an information management system will be developed for managing the training materials and users’ records. This web platform will give adults free and widespread access to training materials through various digital platforms and social networks. Please see attached a Call for Participation.

Looking forward to your collaboration.

Berst regards

Chris Chinien, Ph.D.

Compétences/Skills R&D

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