Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Before the February 25, 2009 ePortfolio Day of Dialogue, attendees submitted these strategies and activities related to selecting or implementing ePortfolio solutions:

* In Student Affairs, we have been looking into different products
in the market to find the best fit for our needs. We have explored
the potential of Blackboard, Taskstream and Simplicity.
* TaskStream
* We are in the process of building our system so it’s early days
for us. we have had a strongly consultative process to date with
strong involvement from students. there is a sense of positive
expectation from staff and students, and we are encouraged by this.
* Splitting efforts to focus on technology solutions to two
different purposes, learning and assessment, separately instead of
fulfilling both purposes simultaneously in one application. For
example using one application to focus on providing a space for
teaching and learning. Another application focuses on assessment

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