Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

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This is the place to introduce yourself. Tell us something about you, what your interests are, what you teach, etc. Who knows? You might find someone with a similar hobby.
This is a great opportunity to network with others. You can even look at comments from previous GRAPE Camps.


I unfortunately missed the intro web meeting last week due to a winter storm. So yeah, I live in the Midwest where that kind of thing is fairly normal this time of year. Yuck. Anyway, on to things more positive! If anyone has the power, please send sunshine and warmth!

I am a instructional designer at South Central College. I work in a teaching and learning center for our face to face and online faculty. I am not currently teaching, but have teaching experience in K12 and adult education. I am interested in teaching online and hope to secure a position this year.

As far as my interests go, I made this short video to explain my Twitter handle @techchic and also to  tell about a few of my interests (it is not production studio quality but it was fun to do):

Job-related interests at the moment are in the areas of mobile learning, neuroscience and learning, applying gaming elements to courses (gamification), course design - online and f2f, adaptive learning, and faculty professional development.

Hi, Wendy:

Don't worry about the teaching aspect. You don't need to have teaching experience for our Instructional Technology Editorial Board.

I enjoyed hearing your voice on the video. You do have lots of interests.

Hi all! I'm Crystal, and I'm an administrator for an online institution in Indianapolis and taught for several years before that. My interests are in higher education and business, as well as learning more about becoming a peer reviewer. This is one area I have not yet quite dipped my toes into. My non-academic interests include ballet and gardening. I very much look forward to learning more and working with everyone! 

Hi, Crystal:

Indiana is dear to my heart. I got my MBA at Indiana U. (Bloomington) and then worked for Cummins Engine Company in Columbus for a number of years.

Just out of curiosity, what did you teach.  We will find an Editorial Board to suit your interests.

I'm looking forward to working with you.

IU is a great school! My teen has his heart set on going there. I taught various business courses, though mostly in the leadership, management, and marketing content areas.

Wonderful.  I'm also the Editor of our Business Editorial Board, so we can use you.  However, if there is another area in which you're interested, we can work it out.


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