Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

 Attached is a DRAFT of the flyer for MERLOT's Mobile Learning initiative and provides an overview of the services the CSU-MERLOT program provides our partners.

At the Leadership Council Meeting, we'll be breaking up into small groups and one group will be discussing Mobile Learning.   The starter questions are:

  • What have we achieved so far?
  • What do we do next?
  • Recomendations on the Flyer as a marketing tool.

You are welcome to add your comments about these initaitives in the discussion forum below


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We formed a community of practice around reviewing iPad apps for MERLOT this year. It was a great experience but the current review form does not fit mobile apps very well. We would love to continue this project with a new form and an easy way to share our reviews on various social networks as the composite is completed.


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