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How to Write a Winning Synthesis Paper: 3 Important Steps

When asked to synthesize something, you are actually being asked to combined a number of elements to form a unified whole. So, when writing a synthesis paper, you are required to take a unique opinion or stand on a certain issue or topic and then support it with evident from a number of sources.

How to Write a Good Synthesis Paper

Here are a 3 simple tips to help you write a good synthesis paper:

Make Sure That You Read And Understand The Requirements

Many people always experience problems when it comes to understand the requirements. It is important that you take time to read the requirements so that you can fully understand what is required of you. As you read, ensure that you highlight the major concepts and keywords. This way, you will have a solid idea about what to expect and search for when reading your sources

You will also be able to formulate several initial thesis statement based only on the prompt. You may of course change your mind after reading the authors ideas and this is fine.

Read Your Sources Well

This is a very important step. You need to read your resources thoroughly and take notes of significant and compelling points that have been made by the author, connection the dots as you pinpoint other common details.

You also need to evaluate. Question the claims that have been put forward by the author. Make sure that you look out for any inconsistencies and gaps. Critical thinkers won’t take something without questioning it. If you don’t do this, your paper will present a one-side argument as well as biased view of the main idea.

You should also underline, highlight and mark the important details so that it is easy for you to find when you go back to the sources.

Take A Stand And Don’t Waver

After reading the sources thoroughly, the next step will be choosing the right position to take. You need to choose content that will support your stand and also address that one which goes against. You need to pay attention to contradictory arguments. By doing so, you will be proving that you can stand by your position and defend it. This is very important in strengthening your synthesis paper. You can click to explore more details

Stand firm on the position you have taken. For more information, please feel free to visit

Views: 110

Comment by Cody Ostrander on July 5, 2020 at 5:00am

Thanks, great tips. Very useful, especially for those who are going to do it. It seems to me that I really lack an understanding of the requirements. Although I have already clearly identified all the keywords and basic concepts, as you advised. I think it'll be more rational to seek help to top essay writing services uk. Moreover, I have already used their services before. I believe that if you are not confident in your abilities, then better ask for help.

Comment by Jake Carter on August 24, 2020 at 2:23am

As a student, I would like to say thanks this blog is helpful who find the essay writing service in uk.  I will follow this important guidance and very confidence and hope to achieve my best grade.


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