Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Cathy Swift's Comments

Comment Wall (19 comments)

At 8:26am on July 17, 2008, Phil Moss said…
The blogosphere will never be the same!
At 8:29am on July 17, 2008, Cathy Swift said…
I know, it is part of my strategery.
At 7:44am on August 7, 2008, Ron Purser said…
This is a real plus for MERLOT and especially for the CSU Business Teaching Commons

At 8:08am on August 7, 2008, Cathy Swift said…
Great to hear that. This is also a good way we can communicate with the Business Board about questions, etc.
At 8:08am on August 7, 2008, Jane Moore said…
Glad to be your friend in so many ways!
At 11:26am on August 12, 2008, Laura Franklin said…
Feel free to jump into WL conversations anytime. I hope we get this rolling and in different languages. Ciao.
At 3:43pm on September 9, 2008, Nancy Veiga said…
Hi Cathy,

This is my first post, and I'm not sure what to say at this point except thanks for the session today. I'm excited about getting this task force going.

Some of the others gave me an idea to offer a professional development workshop on MERLOT for faculty at my campus. I will probably be in touch to track down visuals and things.

Until next time....
At 8:05am on October 28, 2008, Kim Grewe said…
Hi Cathy,

Just wanted you to know that I'm sorry but I won't be able to make today's conference call. I have student obligations that emerged and will conflict with that time today.
At 9:40am on December 18, 2008, Robin Marion said…
Hi Cathy,
Had a few problems with my login for the faculty development editiorial board, that are now ironed out, so I am ready to begin reviewing. Just wondered if you have a quick review handout of the review process that I could access rather than hunt and peck my way through.

Thanks so much for all of your insights about the review process.
At 7:28am on June 12, 2009, Nwosu Chukwunonso Rex N said…
Good day Cathy, nice to have you here in my page. Will you be available at Grape camp this August? Then it will be nice to meet you. I plan to attend the 2009 MIC09 in San Jose CA. I am interested in the History of nations, an online academic enthusiast and a Community Development Ambassador. Although my N.G.O is on Environmental Health, the need for online education has gained tremendous global appraisal. I am a Nigerian. There may be need to discuss issues on the vast online academic developments. You are welcome. Nwosu Chukwunonso Rex N.
At 8:49am on October 3, 2009, Jim Zeigler said…
Cathy: I couldn't recall if I was registered for Grape Camp and not sure that my signing up for this community was what I needed to do? Can you please advise me? We haven't had our CAPCSD Task Force meeting yet for October but one is being planned. I'm just wondering about the reviewing process and getting trained to perform it to the best of my ability and up to your standards. Thanks, eh.
At 6:19am on November 11, 2009, Alicia said…
Hi Cathy - Really enjoyed the Grape training, Thank you.
At 3:38pm on November 17, 2009, Alicia said…
Hi Cathy .. Did you send out the homework for today's grape camp? I went back to print the archived material but realized that, that was not possible.
At 11:09am on November 18, 2009, Alicia said…
Thank you ... I got it.
At 3:40pm on November 24, 2009, Alicia said…
Hi Cathy,

Should I use my regular password and name to get into the test website? When I try to get in I can't.
At 8:22pm on December 12, 2009, Lisa Guerrant said…
Hi Cathy! I just joined MERLOT voices. Grape Camp was referred to me by a colleague/friend and I am having trouble finding information about it, other than getting into the discussion room. Can you give me a link or tell me where I can find more information?

Thank you.
At 11:32am on December 14, 2009, Lisa Guerrant said…
Thanks Cathy! I signed up for asynchronous for December. I figured, although two dates have passed already - I can go back to view the archived lessons and complete any assigned homework, etc. accordingly.

I will wait to get a link for log-in etc. I also am available for other review boards than stated so let me know if that is possible and we will go from there.

At 10:46pm on December 17, 2009, TTEvans said…
Hi Cathy!

It's nice seeing you again :)

At 10:53am on October 27, 2010, Westley Field said…
Thanks Cathy I enjoyed today's call, the sites I tweeted to were
and my own twitter account ofcourse which is westleyf

I will also have a go at using the network to get things our there and hopefully in there ;)


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