Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.


Does anyone know where I could find a list of OER leaders located in California (preferably Central CA) that might be willing to lead OER workshops/PD?

We are anxious to schedule professional development opportunities to launch our Textbook Affordability Program but we do not yet have sufficient expertise to lead effective (and inspiring?) training opportunities for our faculty. 


Camerin Poulson 

Camerin Poulson
Open Educational Resources Coordinator
Adjunct Faculty Librarian
Library Technician" width="96" height="96"/>
Santa Barbara City College
721 Cliff Drive,
Santa Barbara, CA 93109
(805) 730-4441

Views: 105

Replies to This Discussion

At the webinar last week, Gerry said a list of presenters/experts would be forthcoming.  Meanwhile, I got a couple of names from our group.  Here they are:

Una Daly:
She's local to the Bay Area and has been involved with open resources for a long while.
James Glapa-Grossklag, Dean, Educational Technology, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning at College of the Canyons. He was previously President of the Community College Consortium for OER (CCCOER) and currently serves as a Board Member. He is the Immediate Past-President of the Directors of Educational Technology in California Higher Education. Currently, James is President of the Board for the Open Education Consortium. 
Maryann Hight, CSU, Stanislaus (  With her AL$ team, she designed an online workshop for faculty. They offered it for the first time in the spring semester of 2016, and again this summer.  She is apparently working with Leslie to make the course available to all coordinators.


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