Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

The Heroic Imagination Project wants to support and recognize the power of students being everyday heros.   We've designed a program where you can earn a certificate of accomplishment.

How To Get A HIPSter Certificate:

  1. Join the HIPSTer Community and add information to your MERLOT Voices profile
  2. Introduce yourself within the "What I Want To Do" discussion forum.   When you introduce yourself, describe:
    • Why you want to volunteer to do work for the Heroic Imagination Project.
    • What you plan on doing for your volunteer activities.
  3. Share your everyday heroic activities in the HIP Facebook page, on HIP Twitter, on Instagram, or on the HIPSTer website.   You need to share at least 10 examples of you being an everyday hero or your recognition of others doing everyday heroic actions.
  4. Complete your HIPSter Report (see the template for the HIPSTer Report below) which asks you to describe your plans for your volunteer activities, your personal reflections on your efforts, the number of hours you contributed to the volunteer activities, and links to all your shared examples of the heroic actions.  Having a teacher or school staff person confirm that you have completed these activities highly preferred but not required.
  5. Post your HIPSTer Report in the "What I Want To Do" discussion forum as a response to your original introduction.

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