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The Most Popular Professions in 2020: What Should We Expect?

The world is changing so quickly that it sometimes seems like we’re spinning around the sun at an ever faster rate. What that means career wise is that you shouldn’t look to what is important now, but also what is going to be important in a few years’ time.

In that way, you won’t end up training yourself up for a job that won’t be in the market in a few years. So how do you do that? You look to what the future predicts. What are the many ways that jobs will change in the years to come? If you can know that, then you will be in a position to find a job that isn’t going to just be in high demand today, but one that will be so for years to come.

And that means that as you become more skillful and more educated, there will be an ever greater demand for your abilities. Now, what’s not to love about that?

So what jobs are going to be hot in 2020?

Caring for the elderly

Do you like old people? What about scrabble? If you do, the consider a career in elderly care. After all, as the population continues to gray the number of people that will care for them will continue to grow as well. What’s more, the likelihood that your job will be outsourced to a robot is remote indeed. I mean, if I was an old crotchety person, the last thing I would want is to complain to is a robot whose day I wouldn’t be able to ruin.

So your job is safe, the skillset isn’t too demanding and you’ll be able to hang out with lots of people would love to have a chat.

Data crunching

Alternatively, if you like numbers more than old people, get a job in data. Big data is huge right now, with it now being more valuable than anything else on this planet. Of course, data is only useful if somebody knows how to put it to good use.

That’s what data scientists are for.

Now, to be clear, you might need to go back to school for this one. Data science isn’t something that most people will be able to pick up through the occasional bit of night-time reading. Still, the great advantage of data is that if you do manage to get into it, you’ll be in a fantastic position as there are just not that many people out there right now who can do what you do.

So, if you liked math in high school then why not consider a career in data?


You can blame content marketing for this, but there is a huge demand for writers in the market right now. So why not get into that industry? Do note that at the lower levels you will soon probably have competition from writing programs, but as long as you can get into and manage to push yourself a little bit further up, you should be able to launch a freelance writing career and make some decent money doing it too!

Even better, even if you do decide to get out of the writing career, later on, the skills you learned there will be hugely beneficial in whatever another career you decide to pursue. So if you’ve got some skill with the written word, consider the reviews of companies and go for the company like where you can become the great writer one day.




Okay, you don’t like data, the written word, or old people? How about cats? Because if you like cats then you can always aim for a job as a veterinarian. You see, the number of people that have pets in the US is growing rapidly. So that means that if you train up to take care of them the amount of work you’ll be able to get will grow rapidly as well.

So you get to help our furry four-footed friends and make a sweet buck along the way!

Again, robots are not likely to take over your position here. After all, though cats might love Roombas, in general, they find robots even creepier than we do.

Oh yeah, do note, though I keep talking about cats, you’ll probably also have to take care of other animals. So yeah, unless you can be a cat specialist you will probably also have to deal with the occasional rabbit, bird, and dog.

Computer programmer

It was a good choice ten years ago, it is a good choice today and it will be a great choice to come. If you can write code then you shouldn’t think twice. There is just too many opportunities in computers not to pursue that route.

After all, every day we’re adding more computers to our landscape and those need to have their own code written for them. What’s more, as code gets more complicated there are ever more specialists out there doing things at the front end or the back end, for example. Or you can get into AI, or web development, or coffee machine programming (I made that last one up – though there probably is somebody in that sector).

Last words

So there you go. If you thought that there wasn’t any opportunity, you’re wrong. There are plenty of opportunities and they’re not all in computers (though admittedly some are). Really, there seems to be a lot of need for people that can be empathic as well. That kind of makes sense, after all, that’s still something computers struggle with (or rather, people struggle with programming computers to do as computers still can’t feel any kind of empathy). 

So don’t count yourself out if you don’t want to work with numbers. Instead, work with pets and old people. They need loving care too and they will give you a great opportunity to work for years to come.

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