Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

YAY!!! Becky was the first to add new materials today. She contributed two new materials. Shall we have a contest to see who can do the most?

Thanks for getting us off to a good start, Becky.

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Replies to This Discussion

You're welcome, and I appreciate the kind words! I wasn't quite sure about the way I used the "Technical Format" drop-down. Could you look at what I chose and perhaps give us some guidance on choosing the right term there?

The two things I added, Literary Visions and Voices and Visions, are both Web sites that offer "video on demand." I called them "Video" because that's what they offer, but several other labels also seemed to fit.
With the Voices and Visions, you are correct with the "collection" material type and the "video" as technical. With Literary Visions, it really isn't a complete online course, i.e. no syllabus, lesson plans, etc. Therefore, I think I may have classified that one as a collection also, and yes, you are correct with video.

Great selections, Becky!
Thanks--you answered the question I meant to ask as well as the one I did ask. When I looked back at the submissions to write my previous reply, I couldn't find the place where I had chosen "Online Course," though I remembered doing it. Just now I found it & corrected it.


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