Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

The recent issue of the From the Vineyardprovided some resources for information about badges. 

This new type of badging would involve create specific icons that can not only be displayed in MERLOT, but can be placed in an e-portfolio, resume, website, etc. and will be recognized by others.  We would have specific competencies that would be demonstrated to achieve each of these badges.

There are a number of resources that can provide more information about the badge program.  We encourage you to explore these and then let us know what you think.  Resources are:

·         Why Badges?

·         Mozilla’s Open Badge Wiki

·         Chronicle Article

After reading these, please comment on whether you think MERLOT should get involved in the Badge Project. 

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Replies to This Discussion

Cathy, Compadre has applied to the Digital Media & Learning Competition Badges competition, funded by MacArthur.

We were selected as one of the Stage 1 (content) "winners" and submitted something for State 2 (design and technology). We can talk about connecting efforts.

That's great, Bruce.  We are just beginning to look into this, so your input will be appreciated.


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