Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

CSU's Next Generation Learning Challenges Community


CSU's Next Generation Learning Challenges Community

This open online community is for CSU colleagues to support their collaborative efforts in preparing grant proposals for the EDUCAUSE Next Generation Learning Challenge RFP due November 19, 2010. * * CLICK ON "VIEW ALL" TO SEE ALL THE DISCUSSIONS* *

Location: California State University
Members: 31
Latest Activity: Nov 23, 2015

Discussion Forum

I'm a Consultant for ALEKS. Ask Me Anything

I am Eric Gates, Chemistry consultant for ALEKS.  I've worked with universities around the US to get the most from ALEKS in their implementations.You can ask me anything if you have any questions…Continue

Started by Eric Gates Dec 31, 2011.

Final Versions Of Pre-Proposals Submitted on November 19, 2010 to EDUCAUSE NGLC RFP 11 Replies

This discussion forum is for CSU campuses to post their pre-proposals that they submitted in response to the EDUCAUSE NGLC RPF. When uploading your pre-proposal as a PDF, please provide the following…Continue

Started by Gerry Hanley. Last reply by Chris Manriquez Jan 3, 2011.

Academy e-Learning: course transformation from Chico State 6 Replies

We are into year two of our Academy e-Learning program, sponsored by our Provost, Sandra Flake. We select teams of faculty to transform large-enrollment or multi-section courses to better engage…Continue

Tags: transformation, Academy, Chico

Started by LauraS. Last reply by Jim Monaghan Nov 15, 2010.

Have not in search of Have! 2 Replies

Stanislaus is not a "have" at this point, but I can see that we have many opportunities to be a strong "have not" partner under any of the topics addressed in the grant. We do not have many "large"…Continue

Started by Betsy Eudey. Last reply by Jim Monaghan Nov 12, 2010.

Developmental Math, ALEKS, and Opportunties for Collaboration 11 Replies

CSU fellows, I'm started this discussion for the purpose of see if there are people across the CSU who are already using ALEKS and who might want to organize their exemplary practices into a larger…Continue

Started by Gerry Hanley. Last reply by Jim Monaghan Nov 12, 2010.

Forum on Blended Learning 20 Replies

This discussion forum are for those people who what to discuss ideas, share documents, post draft Project Briefings and get feedback related to Blended Learning. See…Continue

Started by Gerry Hanley. Last reply by Kathy Fernandes Nov 10, 2010.

Nursing Challenges in the CSU and at CSULA

At CSULA, we are interested in replacing "face" courses in our RN- BSN program.  By implementing a asynchronous coursework, we think this will increase progression of the ADN population to the…Continue

Started by Jane Hook Nov 6, 2010.

Forum for Learner Analytics 7 Replies

This discussion forum are for those people who what to discuss ideas, share documents, post draft Project Briefings and get feedback related to Learning Analytics. See…Continue

Started by Gerry Hanley. Last reply by Larry Gilbert Nov 5, 2010.

Forum on Deeper Learning 3 Replies

This discussion forum are for those people who what to discuss ideas, share documents, post draft Project Briefings and get feedback related to Deeper Learning See…Continue

Started by Gerry Hanley. Last reply by Anna Kircher Nov 4, 2010.

Ideas for collaboration--digital marketplace, online communities of practice, course transformation...

Hi colleagues,Hereare some areas that we are considering for the Next Generation Learninggrant.  Do any of these ideas sound like something with which yourcampus would like to collaborate?#1.…Continue

Started by Jim Monaghan Nov 4, 2010.

Comment Wall

Comment by Gerry Hanley on October 29, 2010 at 9:39am
An archive of the Tuesday Oct 26, 2010 Elluminate Webinar is now available:
Comment by Gerry Hanley on November 12, 2010 at 9:07pm
Thank you to all who participated in today's webinar for sharing projects. Here's a quick list from memory of projects presented:
1. SFSU- HyFlex - Kevin Kelly
2. Chico - Academy e-Learning - Kathy Fernandes
3. San Bernardino - Developmental Math - Jim Monaghan
4. Moodle consortium - Early warning system - John Whitmer
5. Fresno - Writing support services across the curriculum - Ida Jones
6. Pomona - Blended Learning - Hye Ok Park
7. Northridge - Business Math Redesign - David Levin
8. I'm forgetting the others.... sorry

Here's the info from the Webinar Chat

Moderator (JimMonaghan_CSUSB) to David Levin CSUN: do you want to both discuss our developing proposal?

Moderator (Hye Ok Park): Would like access to the googledocs

Moderator (Hye Ok Park):

Moderator (Kevin Kelly): Kevin Kelly -

Moderator (Kevin Kelly): Maggie Beers -

Moderator (David Levin CSUN) to JimMonaghan_CSUSB: Why don't you cover this. I will jump in as needed. I have a couple others to report on.

Moderator (Stephanie Brasley):\academy

Moderator (Stephanie Brasley): sorry - a typo:

Moderator (Hye Ok Park): Pomona will be interested

Moderator (Ida CSU Fresno): Yes, Please give the link to the google Doc Fresno is very interested

Moderator (Kathy Fernandes - Chico):

Moderator (JimMonaghan_CSUSB) to David Levin CSUN: will do

Moderator (Ida CSU Fresno): Interested in the Chico proposal--we've looked at it

Moderator (Kathy Fernandes - Chico): Hye Ok - send me your email address in the chat room and I'll share our Googledoc with you. Thanks.

Moderator (Hye Ok Park):

Moderator (Ida CSU Fresno): Kathy, if you could add me to the google doc

Moderator (Ida CSU Fresno): Hye Ok, greetings and good to hear from you. Can we also see your proposal?

Moderator (Hye Ok Park): Yes, Ida, I will send you a draft next week.

Moderator (JimMonaghan_CSUSB): we propose to revamp our developmental mathematics programs using the following components:

a) Modularization of learning content utilizing open educational resources. These resources will be adopted from off-the-shelf best practice modules available via MERLOT and other OER’s as well as through targeted development by consortium faculty of modules that will be made freely available. This effort will leverage the digital marketplace/affordable learning solutions initiative of the CSU chancellor’s office.
b) Use of online tutoring using a combination of MyMathLab and ALEKS
c) Development and implementation of a robust online community of practice for support of students via mentoring with faculty and membership with cohort groups of students all taking developmental math
d) Implementation of a multi-campus hybrid online model in which students can interact with participating mathematics faculty via both online and face to face interactions at any of the participating institutions

Moderator (JohnWhitmer-Chico_CO_LMSS) to JimMonaghan_CSUSB: It was developed for the CAHSEE, but the CAHSEE steps program integrated online tutors effectively (using Elluminate) - and may have some good data from a different context - including analytics. They had a partnership with UC Santa Barbara. Let me know if you'd like a contact with that program -

Moderator (JimMonaghan_CSUSB): would be key contact for Consortium systematic improvement of achievement and persistence in developmental mathematics in the California State University system

Moderator (JimMonaghan_CSUSB) to JohnWhitmer-Chico_CO_LMSS: hi john, was your last message for me...i'm loooking at a small netbook screen

Moderator (Ida CSU Fresno): I'd also like to present a proposal before our time is up...I like the math proposal and will take info for those working on curricular redesign in math/stats courses

Moderator (JohnWhitmer-Chico_CO_LMSS) to JimMonaghan_CSUSB: Yep - here it is again - It was developed for the CAHSEE, but the CAHSEE steps program integrated online tutors effectively (using Elluminate) - and may have some good data from a different context - including analytics. They had a partnership with UC Santa Barbara. Let me know if you'd like a contact with that program -

Moderator (Ida CSU Fresno): who is the contact for the math (northridge) proposal?

Moderator (JohnWhitmer-Chico_CO_LMSS): I think you can only submit one proposal per PI -

Moderator (JohnWhitmer-Chico_CO_LMSS): but beyond that, no limits.

Moderator (Hye Ok Park): David, Pomona may be interested in contributing to the core business course creation.

Moderator (David Levin CSUN) to JimMonaghan_CSUSB: contacts for math at Northridge are and

Moderator (David Levin CSUN): contacts for math at Northridge are and

Moderator (David Levin CSUN): Thanks Hye Ok.

Moderator (Masupland): clarification on proces for the 19th...before we go please

Moderator (JohnWhitmer-Chico_CO_LMSS): Some feedback - from typing ...

Moderator (Ida CSU Fresno): I wanted to add the proposal from Fresno-I'll add it here along with contact info for anyone who is interested:

Moderator (Ida CSU Fresno): PROPOSAL NAME: Improving Student Writing
TRACK NAME: Deeper learning/analytics
EXEMPLARY PRACTICE California State University, Fresno Campus has been involved with an improving Student Writing Initiative using Criterion (an ETS product) although seeking to expand to other computer based writing products. Started in Spring 2010 with variety of faculty/students who've used it in a variety of ways. Each semester faculty are invited to meet and discuss the issues and talk about the ways they can use the program. Probably not very effective for graduate students. Used primary for undergraduate students. I don't know the faculty numbers, but I believe approximately 5000 students have been involved so far. Re-examining use as a basis for doing coursework and something else for diagnosis
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Computer Based Learning; cost effectiveness; multi-disciplinary, early assessment program/early start; worked on for 1 year so far
NEEDS TO IMPROVE STRENGTH:. working on data analysis but so far not really done; I cannot answer re much of that because I'm involved tangentially
WHO'S THE CONTACT FOR FOLLOW UP: Ida Jones,; Ellen Junn (ejunn@, Jenn Ivie (; Kim Morin (;

Moderator (David Levin CSUN): Brief description of the Business proposal:

Moderator (David Levin CSUN): Hybrid/Open Courseware Model for Core Business Courses

To efficiently meet high student demand the CSUN College of Business turned to open courseware and redesigned a core course in management and organizational behavior from traditional to hybrid format. The course is a 3-unit upper division core that is taken by all business and management majors. Each semester the College offers six sections of the course in large lecture halls, enrolling a total of 900 students per semester. The purpose of the redesign was to increase effectiveness (improve student learning and completion) and efficiency (save resources, streamline course administration, reduce student commutes and increase flexibility). The hybrid model relies on three principal components: (1) open core content provided by Flat World Knowledge; (2) open course delivery through a learning management system such as Moodle; and (3) a three-pronged, “hamburger” model of topic coverage and delivery which deepens student learning through repetition and by combining face-to-face lecture and discussion with interactive online activities. The model will scale in two ways: (1) class size will increase and extend beyond the classroom through lecture capture and live-streaming; (2) to other departments such as economics, marketing and sociology as well as to partnering postsecondary institutions by (a) leveraging the technology and hybrid model; and (b) creating an open-source repository of customizable, stand-alone learning modu

Moderator (David Levin CSUN): modules that can be re-mixed and incorporated into the open courseware for integrated delivery regardless of campus.

Moderator (JimMonaghan_CSUSB): hi ida, did you mean developmental math or business math. I'm the contact for the former, david levin would be for the latter...

Moderator (Ida CSU Fresno): actually praobably both--we're doing a curricular innovation initiative that includes both,

Moderator (Ida CSU Fresno): Again using NCAT investigators for training

Moderator (Kathy Fernandes - Chico): Thanks Gerry. Got to go...

Moderator (JohnWhitmer-Chico_CO_LMSS): On Moodle Analytics / Early Warning - for follow-up

Moderator (David Levin CSUN): CSUN contacts for our hybrid business project are and

Moderator (Masupland): Graduate Nursing Leadership and Management New Curriculum converting to blended learning online hybrid with some emphasis on Deeper Learning and Analytics. Awash with partners but thin in numbers/data

Moderator (Masupland): high demand occupation=nursing, vacuum of leadership in health care with a culture of blame shifting to a culture of safety in health care

Moderator (Hye Ok Park): Gotta go! Thank you!

Moderator (Kevin Kelly): plus: good to hear what others are doing to find synchronicities

Moderator (Hye Ok Park): Ditto to Kevin's comment

Moderator (David Levin CSUN): This process has been VERY helpful in developing proposals and identifying partners.

Moderator (Kevin Kelly): delta: not much time left to combine similar efforts

Moderator (JimMonaghan_CSUSB): thank you for setting this up, Gerry

Moderator (David Levin CSUN): thank you!

Moderator (Hye Ok Park): Kathy, perhaps you and I can talk more about ours.

Moderator (Kevin Kelly): Hye Ok, I'll check with Maggie and we'll get a hold of you...perhaps a three-way call with Chico is in order since they are all fac dev related


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