Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Stanislaus is not a "have" at this point, but I can see that we have many opportunities to be a strong "have not" partner under any of the topics addressed in the grant. We do not have many "large" classes on the scale that some CSUs do, so I think we are likely least useful for a project that is trying to address large classes or increase class sizes via alternative delivery methods.  But, we are trying to grow our online and blended course offerings, wish to continue to extend the quality of learning and achievement for our transfer students, etc. 

As "haves" come on board with ideas, please keep Stanislaus in mind as a possible partner.  We have some institutional characteristics and a very committed faculty and staff that could likely make us not only a great grant partner for you, but also an attractive campus in the eyes of funding agencies. 

Betsy Eudey
Director, Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Director/Associate Professor, Gender Studies
CSU Stanislaus

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Hi Betsy,

CSUB and CSUMB are discussing the use of ALEKS in another discussion forum- they are a "Have" and you might be interested in what they might be doing.
CSUSB is in discussions with Northridge and Humboldt on developmental math.

Here is a description of where we are at:

Consortium systematic improvement of achievement and persistence in developmental mathematics in the California State University system

We propose a consortium of several campuses in the California State University system to improve both performance and persistence toward a degree by attacking one of the biggest bottlenecks to obtaining a degree---developmental mathematics

In the CSU system, more than 50% of students enter the university system deficient in mathematics. As a result they need to take developmental math in order to progress. Unfortunately, many students fail developmental math, with many failing more than once, and many dropping out from university altogether.

To remedy this situation we propose a multi-tiered approach, utilizing a combination of proven techniques for assisting students’ achievement and persistence. Specifically, we propose to revamp our developmental mathematics programs using the following components:

a) Modularization of learning content utilizing open educational resources. These resources will be adopted from off-the-shelf best practice modules available via MERLOT and other OER’s as well as through targeted development by consortium faculty of modules that will be made freely available. This effort will leverage the digital marketplace/affordable learning solutions initiative of the CSU chancellor’s office.
b) Use of online tutoring using a combination of MyMathLab and ALEKS
c) Development and implementation of a robust online community of practice for support of students via mentoring with faculty and membership with cohort groups of students all taking developmental math
d) Implementation of a multi-campus hybrid online model in which students can interact with participating mathematics faculty via both online and face to face interactions at any of the participating institutions

Does this sound interesting to you? We are also considering joining MB in their proposal...

Will you be on the phone call at 4 today (friday)?


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