We really need a separate area for the CSU folks...can you create a CSU Teaching Business Commons Community Conversations area for us? We want to link it to our CSU Teaching Commons website
I belong to two other Ning communities as well. In all three I find the immediacy and subgroups to be an efficient way to find information, ask questions, and contribute efficiently. What is interesting is that I have one Ning account for all three. There is an interconnectedness for me in moving among these communities. I think this is a logical step for MERLOT.
Thanks for you comment, Cris. We hope that Voices grows virally, but it can't do any harm to let your colleagues know about it by inviting them to join.
I was checking out the site and found two videos that I can use today for my online class! Thus, I love how you have the site organized to showcase videos, articles, etc. of the week.