Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

The purpose of this discussion group is for all students in CI 161 to collaborate and contribute lesson plans and activities.

Views: 355

Replies to This Discussion

Hey Thuy, I think I joined the group, but not sure if I was following the website correctly. Let me know if I am in the group. Thanks Emily Walls

Hi Emily,

Yes, you're in the right group.

Hey Cara, your page looks great!

Thanks Thuy! =)

Nice job Cara. You have some really good lessons and resources within your unit of instruction. I am pleased you were able to post electronically.

Thank you Dr. Andrews.

Hi Thuy,

I don't know if this is the right address but here goes:


I don't know what I'm doing but I'm trying different things.

I am not able to open. Perhaps Thuy can advise what the problem may be.

Hi guys! Here is the link to my website. I'm having a problem uploading my lessons. Does anyone know if it has to be in a particular format? Thanks


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